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Thursday, October 28, 2010

It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White

It is not fair when a whole race is discriminated against due to the mistakes some of them have made in the past.

It is not fair that they are laughed or pointed at.

It is not fair that people avoid the taxi with the man wearing the Turban in favour of the taxi with a white driver.

It is not fair that the customary clothing their race wears is mocked in public.

It is not fair that they don't get the same advantages we do.

Let's work together to stop racism in today's society.

The Real Difference

Young children sit in the comfortable seats of their cars, revelling in the cool air blowing out of the air conditioner, carefully fixing the creases in their freshly ironed uniforms and checking their backpack to make sure they brought their hat.

Young children walk along a dirt road, the sun burning their skin through the holes in their shirts, their feet bleeding from the sharp rocks beneath them and their mouths parched with thirst.

A woman visits the doctor, who reveals she is pregnant and expecting a boy. 9 months later, on the due date, when she has gone into labour, she demands to be given an Epidural. The baby is born healthy and normal. She names her son Ryan and takes him home 2 days later.

A woman finds out she is pregnant. She knows nothing about the child inside her. 9 months later, on the due date, when she has gone into labour, she pants quietly until she hears the soft cry of her daughter. The baby has a serious medical condition but the mother remains positive. She names her daughter Hadiyah. Without proper medical treatment, Hadiyah passes away 2 days later.

A father leaves for work early in the morning, he sits at his computer desk typing, playing Solitaire and watching the clock. It's pay day today so tonight he will take his family out for a nice meal at their favourite 5 star restaurant.

A father leaves for work early in the morning, he stands all day, slowly cutting into the tree branches until his hands begin to bleed. It's pay today so tonight his family will be able to eat.

A grandmother dies of old age. Her family is devastated at the sudden loss. Over 100 people turn up at her funeral. They remain grief stricken for many months.

A grandmother dies of an unknown infection. Her family had been expecting this and know she is in a better place. Over 5 people turn up to the small ceremony held for her. They accept the loss and move on with their lives.

Sometimes, we don't really know what we have until we lose it. Sometimes, we don't realise how lucky we are. Sometimes...taking a step back and evaluating our outlook on life can change us for the better.

Under The Shade Of a Coolibah Tree

You see them sleeping on park benches, underneath a tree or even in the 5:00 shadow of a local Church. You stare, it's only natural to be curious. You point, it's just rude. You judge, but you don't know. You have no idea what has happened in their lives, only they do. You call them names: alcoholic, drug addict, gambler, loser. The list goes on and on.

So let them be.If you were in their position, would you like it if you were just trying to sleep and people pointed at you? Yelled at you? Threw you judgemental glares constantly? I don't think so.

You might have your theories about why they're in that position, but you have no proof. Move on with your life, let them move on with theirs.

Smile Though Your Heart Is Aching

They say you don't know how they feel. They walk down the corridor with blank eyes, head hung low and shoulders hunched. They act as if they are the only person in the world going through it. But they don't know. They don't know that there are millions of people out there that have, at one stage or another, gone through it and felt the same way. What is it?

They feel alone, as if no one understands them. As if there is no one else out there who has it any worse than they do. As if life couldn't possibly get any worse. As if they are not worth the ground they stand upon. As if they are not worthy of the love their friends and family have of them.

I know it's hard. I really do. I know how difficult it is to just 'look on the brightside' as many people tell you to.

It's not awareness week or anything, but in wake of recent suicides in America, I felt this post was necessary. If you know someone who is depressed, try talking to them, waving to them or even just giving them a simple smile. I know it doesn't seem like much, but sometimes...that smile or wave could be what keeps that person from taking their lives.

Abortion - Inhumane in Most Cases

I am strongly against abortion, as my peers know quite well from my occasional rants. People sometimes misunderstand me when I mention how revolted I am by just the mere thought of it. They seem to think I mean ALL abortions, but that is not quite what I mean. If the mother is in danger and it's absolutely necessary for her to get an abortion, then that's fine in my eyes.

What is NOT fine, in my opinion, is when young girls like myself go out and do god knows what without using protection. When they use abortion as a form of contraception. When they say "Oh don't worry, If I get pregnant, I'll just get an abortion." When they take the life of an innocent child without a second thought. When they update their Facebook status, flaunting to every one of their 'friends' that they got an abortion as if it's some sort of milestone. When they make sure the news is spread around the entire school, just so their name is actually on the Social Radar.

Girls, if you don't want to have to make the decision about whether or not to have an abortion, use protection or keep your panties ON. It really is as simple as that.